The “religious” McCarey with Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman

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I Mille Occhi offers the chance to see on the big screen, among the numerous  scheduled screenings, films from director Leo McCarey (Los Angeles, October the 3rd, 1898 - Santa Monica, July the 5th,1965). Bright cineaste of light-hearted comedies (Rally ‘Round the Flag, Boys!) as well as director of films with a profound religious flavour, the Festival will be focusing on this spiritual dimension of his, presenting works such as Going My Way (1944), a story about a young priest sent to a small-town parish played by Bing Crosby and awarded with 8 Academy Awards, and the sequel The Bells of St. Mary’s (1945), where Ingrid Bergman co-stars with Bing Crosby.

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