Nikos Papatakis and a taste of Greece at I Mille Occhi

The festival’s opening is focused on French-Greek director Nikos Papatakis. The filmmaker will attend the opening night Friday September, 18 at 8.30pm in occasion of the international preview of his movie Gloria Mundi (1974-2004). The film is a very interesting work on the representation of torture and it is considered a clandestine masterpiece of contemporary cinema and the main character is played by Greek actress Olga Karlatos, known in Italy for her roles in cult movies such as Amici miei, Zombi 2 and Once Upon a Time in America. The section devoted to Nikos Papatakis will continue in the first weekend of the festival, with the screening of Un chant d’amour, one and only film by playwright Jean Genet, funded and produced by Papatakis, and of Oi voskoi, a Greek-spoken movie directed by Papatakis himself and starring, once again, Olga Karlatos. Another appointment involving the French-Greek director is documentary Nico Icon, which will be screened in the festival’s first weekend too. The documentary focuses on model and singer Christa Päffgen, Andy Warhol’s inspirational muse, who from Nikos “Nico” Papatakis inherited her pseudonym.

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